January 12, 2012

Popular Evergreen Hedges

Evergreens make wonderful, quick hedges and privacy screens. When planting, zig-zag your trees to give a fuller effect and to allow the trees to get air and sun. This will also help the hedge give with the wind, preventing breakage and wind tunnels. It’s wise to plant more than one variety of evergreen in a border, so that disease and pests won’t destroy the whole planting.Passing kids, nosy neighbors, wandering drunks, escaping pets, there are many different reasons for fencing your yard but it is quite expensive to fence your whole yard and lets be honest there are more natural and economic ways to get some privacy against prying eyes. A solution with evergreen hedge plants is much better way, it is much more natural, usually it will be less expensive and it is also more effective in the long run. Full grown hedge plants are very effective to keep out intruders and it is stronger then a series of coiled barbed wire.

The effectiveness of the hedge is depended on the size of the hedge plants, if you are on a tight budget, you will probably buy small sized plants because they are much cheaper then the bigger ones. This way it will take you longer before your hedge plants have grown to a size where your privacy is taken care of. But there is a combination solution for this problem. There are cane fences that will last just a few years that can provide you with the necessary privacy in the time your hedge plants are growing. They are very cheap and are a good useful solution for this problem.

When you have a bigger budget you can decide to take bigger hedge plants and you can decide to plant them yourself or to hire a professional. But before you decide you first need to take a decision about the kind of plants you are going to buy.

Soil Type is important

If you are smart you choose evergreen hedge plants that grow well in your area, the ones more native to your area will grow best and will be more resistant against diseases and weather conditions. But not every area has a wide variety native evergreen hedge plants to choose from and when this is the case you need to buy a soil kit and determine your soil type. (sand, chalk, moist, dry) When you have determined the soil type you can choose hedge plants that thrive well there.

Popular evergreen hedge plants are privet,yew and boxwood but there are many other plants to choose from and you can also combine different plants if you like a more natural look and feel.

It depends on budget and time

Planting hedge plants is not difficult but it is time consuming and hard work, because you need to dig a lot of holes. So it depends on your budget and on your health if you decide to hire a professional or if you do it yourself. If you have a bad back, we would advice to hire someone.

If you decide to do this job yourself it is best to put some stakes in the ground and run a clothesline tightly over the ground where the plants should be planted. This way your hedge will be reasonably straight.

Next you need to calculate the amount of plants you are going to need, this depends on the full grown size the plant will have eventually and you need to do some research on the plant you have chosen. In general, you need to keep at least two feet between the plants.

Now you have what you need, you need to dig a trench all along the line where the hedge is coming. And you need to dig in that trench of two feet wide and four inches deep bigger holes for the individual plants, these wholes need to be twice as big as the root balls. When you have placed the plants in the wholes you need to water them and close the holes and the trench.

As you can see it is a lot of hard work but it is so much more rewarding to have a natural hedge instead of the expensive fences you see everywhere around you.

1. Boxwood (Buxus)
Long a European favorite, boxwood respond very well to pruning and shaping. Besides making great hedges, boxwoods are a favorite tree for topiary. The tiny, evergreen leaves remain tidy when clipped. Korean boxwood is proving hardier than the English varieties. Prune in late spring, as new growth darkens. USDA Zones 5-8, H & S varies with species, Full sun to partial shade.

2. Yew (Taxus baccata)
Makes a dense hedge that responds well to pruning. Overgrown yew hedges can often be restored by hard pruning in late winter. Many yews used for foundation plantings remain squat. T. baccata grows to 6' tall and 16' wide, making it great for hedging. The uniformity of a yew hedge makes a great wall for enclosed gardens. Slow to medium grower. USDA Zones 5/6 - 8, H - 6', S - 10-16', Full sun to partial shade.

3. Arborvitae ‘Green Giant’ (Thuja ‘Green Giant’)
Introduced by the U.S. National Arboretum. Grow in almost any soil conditions, from sand to clay. Pyramid shape and requires no pruning. Pest resistant, even deer resistant. For a quick hedge or windbreak, plant 5 - 6' apart. For a more gradual hedge, plant 10 - 12' apart. Fast growers. Prune to shape, before spring growth. USDA Zones 2 - 10, H - 60', S - 20', Full sun.

4. Holly (Ilex)
Popular for their glossy green leaves, and bright red berries. Hollies look best if kept trimmed and full. Only the females set berries, but you’ll need a male to cross pollinate. There are some new varieties that don’t require 2 sexes. Hollies prefer an acidic soil and the addition of peat or garden sulfur may be necessary. The American holly is more widely adaptable than the English. Medium grower. Plant 2 - 4' apart. USDA Zones 5 - 9, H - 6-10', S - 5-8', Full sun to partial shade.

5. Firethorn (Pyacantha coccinea)
Firethorn can be a bit unruly, but it still looks striking in the landscape. Evergreen with white flowers in spring and orange-red berries from summer into winter. Popular for Christmas decorations. Drought tolerant. Plant 3 - 4' apart. Fast growers. Prune if necessary, after flowering. USDA Zones 5/6 - 9, H - 8-12', S - 3-5', Full sun to partial shade.

6. Leyland Cyprus (x Cupressocyparis Leylandii)
Columnar evergreen with flat scale-like leaves. Makes a tough privacy/wind screen that is salt tolerant. Many new cultivars are being bred for bluer color, variegation and more feathery foliage. Fast grower. Prune to shape, as new foliage deepens in color USDA Zones 5 - 9, H - 60-70', S - 15-20, Full sun.

7. Variegated Japanese Laurel (Aucuba japonica ‘Variegata’) aka Gold Dust Tree
Leathery pale bright green leaves mottled with yellow variegation make this tree a standout, especially when used to light up a shady area. ‘Variegata’ is a female and requires a male for pollination, to produce red berries. Good choices include ‘Mr. Goldstrike’ and ‘Maculata’. Prefers a moist soil, but can handle periodic dry spells. Slow Grower. Prune in early spring to summer. USDA Zones 6 -9+, H - 6-9', S - 3-5', Partial shade to full shade.

8. Cotoneaster
The most popularly grown cotoneaster, C. horizontalis (Rockspray Cotoneaster) only gets about 3-5' tall. However two species, C. lucidus and C. divaricatus, grow to 6 - 10' & 5 - 6' respectively. Both can be grown into a hedge with minimal pruning. Both have pink spring flowers and colorful fall foliage. Slow to medium growers. Prune after fruiting. USDA Zones: C. lucidus 6 - 8, C. divaricatus 4 - 7, Full sun to partial shade.

9. Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica)
Nandinas are popular in the Southern US, where their fall/winter berries are the most striking. However Nandinas are tougher than their delicate foliage would suggest. White spring flowers come in Hydrangea-like panicles and are followed by bunches of red berries. The foliage blushes red for fall and winter. Medium to fast grower. Prune before new growth. USDA Zones 6 - 9, H - 5-7', S - 3- 5', Full sun.

10. Ligustrum (Privet)
A classic hedge plant, not all privets are evergreen. The dense foliage responds extremely well to pruning. Most have white summer flowers followed by black berries. Privet are very adaptable and will grow in just about any conditions. Fast growers. Prune after flowering. USDA Zones vary 3/6 - 7/8, H - to 15', S - 5-6', Full Sun to shade.

December 25, 2011

Vine plant and Arbor

Vine plants, known by the name of passion flowers or passion vines, where there are 500 types of species that have interest and entered into the family Passifloraceae. Some of them propagate among the trees, shrubs and some that could be made for drugs. In tropical climates this plant is often found.
This very beautiful plant when we set it in the garden area of ​​our homes or gardens. In addition to this plant is easy to adapt, fast growing and easy to care for her ....
Now how to take advantage of our home page with these plants. There are many examples of the arrangement of this plant for example, was hanged in pots, placed in wooden houses or attached to the wall. But taukah you in choosing the type of plants that are suitable for our home page? Actually there is no fixed rule in the choice of plants of this type, it all depends on your taste heuhuheuhueheuh respectively. But with some experience I've ever had and some people I've given advice. They can feel things more. Maybe my suggestion can petrify you in laying out these vines.
If you want to plant in front yard planting berbungan one who will feel the spirit of light due to the viewer.
Choose a bright berbungan vines such as:
1. Bignonia
Cross the vines is one of the first red, trumpet shaped flowers to greet returning hummingbirds in early spring. The related trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) is similar, but climbs with ivylike aerial roots instead of tendrils and blooms later in the summer. Plant the two together, and you and the hummingbirds will of tubular flowers have colored flame from the which to feed from early spring and throughout the summer.

2. Coral vine Antigonon leptopus
Plant the which need at least A Few hours a day of solar light. We suggest growing the The Coral vine In the house or in a warmed greenhouse; Pls the minimum temperatures go past 15 ° C it is possible to develop outside.To Move Them to Their best, climber plants need grates, or They can be placed near a wall, the which functions as a support.

3. Bougainvillea Paperflower
Plant the which need at least A Few hours a day of solar light. During this time of year We should not worry about minimum temperatures, in fact the The Paperflower can bear temperatures A Few degrees below zero.To develop to Their best, climber plants need grates, or They can be placed near a wall, the which functions as a support.

But if you want a little relaxation with family in the garden of the house you select a few clams or color is not too flashy so that you feel more relaxed.
1. Morning glory
is a fast-growing, Twining annual with heart-shaped light to mid-green leaves and vibrantly colored, funnel-shaped flowers to 3 inches across. White-colored cultivars include 'Pearly Gates'; 'Heavenly Blue'; crimson-colored, white-throated 'Crimson Rambler'; and 'Flying Saucers', a batik-looking blend of white and blue accented by a golden throat.

2. Asarina scandens
A half-hardy perennial, this sophisticated climber grows to 8 feet tall. It has a profuse show of 1.5-inch indigo, violet, pink, or white flowers. It's great for the cold greenhouse or conservatory, and Will Often bloom until the end of the year Unless there is a hard frost.

3. Passiflora caerulea
This plant produces 3 - to 4-inch-diameter, slightly scented flowers sporadically During summer, Increasing in late summer through autumn. Intricate blossoms have an outer ruffle of petals and sepals; an inner disc of filaments composed of rings of blue, white and purple; and a central "antenna." Deeply lobed dark green leaves cover stems That grasp supports with tendrils. Blue passion flower can reach 10 feet tall in one season. The ovoid, orange-yellow fruit is edible.
Care: Often grown as a houseplant, it can also be grown as an annual outdoors. Grow in a greenhouse border or in containers. Or set outdoors in moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Shelter from cold, drying winds.
The selection seems arbor will also be great ... but if u wanna to mix theres nothink wrong heuheuhuehuehue.
If you order memimilih arbor that has rarely (remote), select vines broadleaf or trunked wide because of this, do not cover up the beauty of the frame arbor and vice versa.
Here's my arbor design. But not finished it all ... ...

simple arbor

mix on top arbor

dooms arbor

Enjoy you're garden

December 24, 2011

How to Minimal Maintenance Garden

Garden is space to give you refreshing and relaxing family. Do not make your ganden even to make you feel burdened, cause the style of your plant not relevant and need more extra care and hard to maintained. If you have little time to maintenance garden, consider trying to make a low maintenance garden. This is the park where you just need to spend a little time in taking care of the park. With minimal maintenance garden, you can also go on vacation in a week or more without the worry of the park would be damaged. Here are some tips on designing a slick minimal garden care.

1. Use of gravel and stones
Parks dikreasi minimal treatment often using various gravel, rocks, or coral. The combination of stone and kerikit are arranged according to a specific path or randomly arranged to reduce your intensity to maintain the plant. Arrangement of gravel and stones can be incorporated into the order steppingstone.
Problems often arise if the gravel is laid out fairly dense growth of wild grass or weeds. The solution, install weed block on the ground, then put gravel on it. Furthermore, between the land so a place to put gravel filled with thick plastic plants are limited. aims to prevent weeds from growing more and more.

2. Plant low maintenance
In principle, if the crop is planted in areas suitable for the growth of the care required is not too complicated. Therefore, the selected plants need to be adapted to the climate or weather condition of the park where you are. drought resistant plants such as aloevera, Adenium, or other succulent include minimal maintenance and fit combined with a variety of rocks or gravel. As a border, you can choose plants such as iris. Can be used for ground cover that fits a mini elephant grass grown in hot areas, whereas for a somewhat shady area can be selected chives.

3. Use the grass
Meet the park or open area with grass is also an option to park not too much need for intensive care. Simply flush every day so the grass is always green. Fertilization also is conducted every three months. In order to reduce the impression of monotony in the grass, you can create a gravel bed on the grassy land. How, first mark the area for gravel bed according to the desired shape. For example a box, oval, or circle. Then dig the soil according to the form that had made it. Put the gravel in the gravel bed was. If necessary add a few rocks or plants to beautify.

4. Playing the design on the floor
Giving more space to pavement on the floor of the park can also reduce maintenance garden. If the park is located outside the home are easily exposed to rain, you should create a floor design that is still able to absorb water. In order to remain functional pavement to absorb water, select the appropriate material. For example paving blocks. Play with paving design can be done by managing the paving pattern. Examples of paving patterns that can be used include herringbone, stretcherbond, or basket weave. Play designs can also be done by selecting the shape and color of the different pa-Ving. Design floor garden can also be selected from the fabric or wood decks. If the wood is selected accordingly and coated materials that can make it durable, wood decks can look attractive and durable.

5. Give decorations on the walls
Provide more touch hard materials can indeed make the garden low maintenance because it reduces the intensity of plant maintenance.Tapi, often lack the plant can make the garden seem monotonous. To reduce it, you can give a decorative touch to the garden wall. For example, by giving a "window" on the garden wall. The window that lets you have the view to see the outside of the park. Can ping by presenting a statue or sculpture in the garden wall as a focal point, and then made dekoran wall as a focal point of the frame. Installing the sandstone carvings on the walls can also beautify the park. You can also make arrangements dekoran stone wall with paste or arrowroot with stones of different colors.

6. Arrange the plants in pots
Order of the pots containing plants can be used to display a minimal garden care. Garden pots neatly arranged can give freshness in your home. In addition to plant varieties that are used can vary, you can also easily change the arrangement so as not to get bored. A wide size of the pot lets you be creative with the appropriate placement. For example, displaying a small pot containing the plant near a window, or setting up a ladder near the entrance of the house, and so on. But, you need to choose suitable plants grown in pots. If plants can grow bigger, you can control its growth with regular pruning. Trimming the canopy can control root growth. Besides using pots, minimal garden care can also be designed to create a container of fabric exposed brick or cement. Many forms, such as circle, square, triangle, and so on. Container containing these plants can be combined with an appropriate order hardmaterial park. By using containers you can focus to keep the plant more easily.

have a nice try